The Trevor Project was founded by the creators of the Academy Award-winning short film TREVOR in 1998, a film about a high school student ostracized for being gay. The Trevor Project provides LGBTQ youth with a safe and inclusive environment and life-saving, life-affirming programs and services.
For LGBTQ youth, coming out, or publicly revealing one's sexual orientation or transgender status, can be a stressful and difficult process. While coming out is often empowering and freeing, it can also mean having many difficult conversations with friends and family and confronting homophobia, transphobia and discrimination. For many, this takes a toll on their mental health: unfortunately millions of LGBTQ youth are at risk for suicide and other poor mental health outcomes. However, research shows that LGBTQ youth are incredibly resilient and have lots of potential to thrive! Social support, LGBTQ role models, and inclusive policies are all part of the protective factors that can help.
Through 24/7 services, The Trevor Project provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ youth. At any time of the day, trained specialists are reachable through phone, text message, or online to provide counseling. The Trevor Project also provides an online database of valuable information on many topics specifically for LGBTQ youth. Over the past 20+ years, the hard work of The Trevor Project and their invaluable services have saved many lives and positively impacted even more.