
The summer, to me, usually means traveling to new places with my family and experiencing different cultures and locales... obviously this year that kind of traveling is not happening. However, it doesn't mean that you can't create a new experience--...
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July 20th was named National Moon Day to commemorate the anniversary of the day humans first walked on the moon: July 20th 1969. In celebration of National Moon Day, here are 7 things you probably didn't know about the moon!...
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This July’s Full Moon: Saturday, July 4th 9:44pm PST July’s Full Moon is known as the Thunder Moon for the numerous thunderstorms that usually occur in the month, or the Buck Moon since a buck’s new antlers usually grow during...
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Saturday, June 20, 2:43 PMThe Summer Solstice happens when our Sun travels its longest path through the sky, resulting in the day with the most daylight in the year, and signaling the start of summer. Celebrated by ancient civilizations all...
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This June's Full Moon: Friday, June 5th, 2020 The Strawberry Moon is named for the short period in which wild strawberries can be collected throughout the north-eastern United States. It is also known by its old European names; Honey Moon...
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