
This Month’s Full Moon: May 26, 2021, 4:19 AM PST May’s Full Moon is going to be quite the astrological event-- not only is it a supermoon, but there will also be a lunar eclipse, giving the Moon...
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The rich green color of Emeralds are reminiscent of lush plant growth throughout Springtime, making them the perfect birthstone for May. Emeralds have a long history-- they were sold in the markets of Babylon as early as 4000 B.C.E,...
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This month’s full moon: April 26, 8:31 PM PST April’s full moon is known as the Pink Moon, for the early spring blooms of a North American wildflower, moss pink. These low-growing plants form beautiful cushions of little...
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This Month’s Full Moon: March 28th, 11:50 AM March’s full moon marks the first full moon of Spring, and is often called the Worm Moon for the earthworms that appear as the ground warms for springtime. Since this full...
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February’s full moon is named the Snow Moon, for a straightforward reason: February is, on average, the snowiest month of the whole year. This full moon will occur in the sign of Virgo. As with every full moon, lunar energy...
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